RCCG Inspiration House Dartford is a parish of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, a church organisation which, under the leadership of our General Overseer – Pastor E. A. Adeboye,
spans the globe.
RCCG Inspiration House Dartford was inaugurated as RCCG Inspiration House Bexley on Sunday, 8th of January 2006 with a membership of 12 (adults and children).
The church held services at a unit on Thames Road in Bexley. The search for a permanent place of worship saw the church relocate to Dartford and prompted the change of name to RCCG Inspiration House Dartford.
The church membership has grown to around 100 and the church has settled into a permanent place of worship on St Vincents Road, Dartford.
Here at RCCG Inspiration House Dartford we unashamedly proclaim the message of salvation through Christ Jesus, and we preach the uncompromising Word of God.
Our Statement of Faith details our beliefs.
The Lord has given us a home in Dartford and we recognise this as a call to serve Him in this community.
The RCCG Mandate states that we should take as many people along to heaven as possible and we are actively seeking ways to make this a reality.
The Church desires to make a positive impact on Dartford and its environs – for a start. The advent of the internet has opened up a much wider area of influence and by His grace we will reach untold millions with the Gospel.
We would be thrilled for you to join us on the journey…………….
As a parish of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, we adhere to the following Statement of Faith:
1. God The Father: Creator of heaven and earth, Who made man in
His own image and likeness.
2. The Holy Trinity: The Three persons of The Godhead; God the
Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, Three in One.
3. The Virgin Birth: Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born
of the Virgin Mary.
4. The Death & Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Jesus was crucified and
died for the sins of mankind on the Cross at Calvary, was buried
and rose from the dead on the third day. He ascended into heaven
and is forever seated at the right hand of God the Father.
5. The Holy Spirit: The Comforter and Teacher of all things, Who
dwells within us, uniting us to Jesus Christ.
6. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit: This is freely available to all who
believe in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and is manifested by the
gift of speaking in unknown tongues.
7. Salvation: A gift from God, through grace and faith in Jesus Christ,
that all who believe in Him may be saved, by turning from sin to
repentance, trusting in His death and resurrection, and are born
again, by the Holy Spirit.
8. The Blood of Jesus Christ: It was shed for us on the cross at
Calvary, cleanses us from all sin, and grants us access into the
presence of God.
9. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ:Jesus will come again to earth in
glory, and the dead in Christ will rise, and those who are alive in Christ
will be translated into the presence of God for all eternity.
10. The Holy Bible: The infallible and authoritative Word of God, given to
direct all men and women to salvation.
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